Kick Inside - The Kate Bush quandary - part 2

Saturday 22 March 2014

Quick update - a list of possible avenues. Ideas range from robbing a bank to praying to god. But since I'm not religious or a criminal, neither are hearty variables in this equation. Theres also the option of selling junk. Or selling something. My head hurts - watch this space.


Hello and welcome

Hi there. This blog is a display of new drawings and art by Joe Rocky Holey. It will feature new art work and literary content in relation to and

Images will be available for download very soon. More information can be found at theses sites:

'Copernicus' draft

So as it happens ~ I've moved from oil painting to Photoshop for the time being. Reason ~ time and speed (which is also time).

I've exhibitions coming up in the next few months with a pretty large one at the Seven Artspace, Leeds, UK in December. paintings for these will manifest in due course, but at the this moment in time I need to think of other parameters, namely - space, cost and length. I would also like to put a bit of a break water between what I'm producing. I do portraits, figurative work and extensively surreal child inspired work.

Very Childish takes care of the creative weight of the latter. It will allow me to tie work into my Joe Rocky Holey website but also keep it separate and stand alone. It will also let me mental concentrate on one named priority at a time. Sometimes the ideas come thick and fast and then slow to halt and then pick up again. Some breathing space and air might be good in balance from time to time.

Anyway, this is the draft for Copernicus ~ a little boy looking at moths circling around a light bulb, emulating the solar system. Thought it was a cute idea and a little more high brow as most people I've pitched this idea to over the past couple of weeks was unsure who Copernicus was. That's not to sully the education of those who were unaware, but it does breathe a sigh into the immediacy of the idea.

Kick Inside - the Kate Bush quandary (part 1)

So, as many will know by now, The Fish People put out a press release yesterday saying Kate Bush will be playing 15 shows for the first time since one place. Sort of like 'the tour that didn't tour' sort of thing. Which is fine...but I live in Leeds. Ive been an avid Kate fan for over 15 years now and have my yuts knotted from the thought of copious demand being so high I just wont get a chance when they gonon sale. Or, if I do get a ticket; how to not break the bank. 49 quid-i wont see a thing. 135 quid-too much. So im thinking either 59 or 75. 30 coach travel (4.5 hours each way) and a couple of nights in a one bedroomed b&b at 140. So, I'm looking at the best part of £300 before I even take into account the deli pirates of covent garden or the oyster card in direct value exchange for a marble-sized pearl. Speaking of pearls, id recently just got pearl jam tickets for Leeds Arena. Maybe I could forfeit those toward the Kate adventure. If I only could make a deal with God and her to travel to Leeds. *sigh*